Team Development for Sitecore - Hedgehog Error


In the world of Sitecore, Team Development for Sitecore (TDS) allows you to easily manage and sync content from your local development environment to all the way to production. If you are working in a team environment, this makes it even easier to import sitecore items into the source control and package it for deployments elsewhere.


I've come across this issue (usually occurs during new deployment setup) where TDS service fails to load and returns an error instead. A colleague of mine came across the following error message on the site the other day:

Could not create type 'HedgehogDevelopment.TDS.PackageInstallerService.TDSPackageInstaller'.


Usually, this occurs when you're missing assemblies required to run the service. Check to make sure you have the following assemblies inside the bin folder on the site where the error message originates from:

  1. HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.PackageInstallPostProcessor.dll
  2. HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Service.dll
  3. HedgehogDevelopment.TDS.PackageInstallerService.dll